user1's Groups
OIBC - 5
OIBC 5 focuses on Strengthening capacity and capabilities in conflict prevention and addressing the root causes of conflict for a more comprehensive, inclusive, and effective interventions towards development, through a decrease in violent conflict and an achievement of sustaining peace. The Co-convenors of this coalition (UNODC, UNOAU, UNDP, OHCHR & IOM) are working with several UN agencies and partners in areas related to SDGs 3, 16 & 17, and building a network of experts to connect and share knowledge in a Community of Practice (CoP).
OIBC - 4
OIBC 4 focuses on fostering climate action and resilience including loss and damage adaptation, food systems & food security. The Co-convenors of this coalition (UNEP, FAO, UNDP & UNECA), are working with several UN agencies and partners in areas related to SDG 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 & 17, and building a network for experts to connect and share knowledge in a Community of Practice (CoP).
OIBC - 1
Driven by the UN SG’s recommendation # 4 on strengthening the data ecosystem in Africa and the imperative to design and deliver a ONE UN National Statistical Capacity building Programme, OIBC - I is working in áreas related to all the SDGs. The Co-convenors of this coalition (UNECA & UNFPA) are working with several UN agencies and stakeholders, and building a network of experts to connect and share knowledge, in a dynamic Community of Practice